The alibi for my deportation to Ubangi
Taking advantage of the unfavorable impression created in administrative circles by our inaccurately interpreted and understood statements, self-interested detractors appear, masked by a false pretense of virtue.
They resort to intrigue, slander us and, among other things, send the following anonymous letters to the authorities: Ecrits anonymes adressés à mon encontre à l'Administration coloniale « I have the honour of requesting that you open an investigation immediately. Benoît Ogoula, of Oroungou race, who asked to be taken into custody. appointed Superior Chief to replace Rébéla. This native, currently in Port-Gentil, seems dangerous to me; he claims to have a divine mission to fulfill on the African coast. I think the Fathers can give you some information on this native. I'm building a case against him and I look forward to the results of your discreet investigation. ».
The Oroungou district chief writes in his report to the Governor of Gabon: “Here's a young man who says his power extends from Senegal to Loango, a madman, an enlightened man, and the Oroungou believe that through him they will have more facilities. He's one of those young men who abuse the education they received in the Missions by writing letters to France. No, we must choose someone else ».