He loathes the colonial occupation and its domination, which he sees as a form of guardianship, a total stranglehold. It's unbearable.
But OIB needs space to “breathe, to live”, he needs room to maneuver to think about the future of his people and propose a course of action, because he knows the causes of the decadence of his country and his people.
« The conquest of land has given way to the conquest of minds ».
• His rejection of discrimination: “In our view, there is no indigenous policy, but a French policy, an idea, a soul, a French ideal to be planted, cultivated and enhanced in the colonies; a horizon of the French nation's influence to be broadened; a human progress in whose realization every man must collaborate”,
Recurring reminder of its traditional and societal status (1956-1962: tribal member of the ancient kings of Cap-Lopez)
« Today's political and social institutions do not appear to be opposed to the duty of friendly recognition towards the descendants of those who laid the foundations of French sovereignty here.
• The reappropriation of his people's culture.
This requires knowledge of its history, customs and the Orungu language. Hence the desire to define “the soul of the Ombèkè people”.
• An indirect appeal to intellectuals to put their knowledge at the service of the people's cause, like him, a descendant of royalty.
• Defending the interests of the Orungu people: land despoilment, oil extraction from the land of their ancestors.