An inverted lesson in civilization

In the declarative phase of his mission in 1932, OIB specified the following to the French Resident:

• « He is entrusted... to bring to men, without distinction of color, race or opinion, a ray of light and to guide them in the rugged path of goodness... He is assisted by millions of superior beings of all races and countries ».

This humanitarian claim is rarely expressed in Black Africa. (G. Balandier).
- OIB states:
« The great eternal laws that make humanity a united and supportive block, artisan and accountable... for the well-being of the world. ».

« Life, which is individual in its humanity, is solidarity, universality, unity in its intellectuality and spirituality. ».

He had transcended
in the sphere of the great minds that guide
humanity. (Igamba y'Oganga y'Owanga).

It's all about :
From “unity, solidarity, concord and mutual affection” comes his thinking.

It resounds like a lesson in civilization sent back (boomerang effect) to the very people who prided themselves on their civilizing mission.

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